Texts in TEI format

The first version of the CLARIN-DK data centre was developed in the Danish DK-CLARIN project 2008-2011 (See: The first Danish CLARIN project). In the subproject working with written language resources, a variety of written texts were collected and annotated: contemporary as well as older, general language as well as language for specific purposes, fiction as well as non-fiction, and parallel corpora with Danish being one of the languages. Furthermore a common TEI format was developed for all files. 

See a description of the TEI format her:  Asmussen: Text formatting

Download the rng schema her: https://clarin.dk/schemas/tei/TEIDKCLARIN.rng

Automatic generation of the TEI format

Go to: https://cst.dk/texton/
Select: TEIP5DKCLARIN_ANNOTATION as the output format.