CLARIN in Denmark

The CLARIN-DK infrastructure

From 2018, University of Copenhagen has taken over the funding of the CLARIN Centre at the University of Copenhagen. The Centre is supported and financed by the Faculty of Humanities and the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics at the University of Copenhagen. In the unlikely case of withdrawal of funding, an agreement on preservation of and access to data has been made with the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics. The department offers a timeframe of at least 5 years of hosting of the CLARIN-DK Repository. In this period the Department’s Centre for Language Technology as technical system owner will provide preservation of and access to the data. In the meanwhile, agreements will be made with the University of Copenhagen or with another CLARIN ERIC Centre for a permanent solution.

Denmark is one of the founders of the European CLARIN ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) which also means that CLARIN-DK follow recommendations, formats and standards developed on a European level - and resources in CLARIN-DK can be used in combination with resources from other European countries.

The first release of the platform was developed in the Danish project DK-CLARIN 2008-2011

The following institutions have participated in these projects and have been part of the construction of CLARIN-DK:

  • University of Copenhagen
  • Aalborg University
  • Aarhus University
  • Southern Danish University
  • The Royal Library

CLARIN-DK has a knowledge centre DANSK with the participation of Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab (NorS), KU and Sprognævnet.