Korp is a corpus platform where you can search for word, word patterns, part of speech etc. in linguistically annotated text corpora. Korp has been developed by Språkbanken at University of Gothenburg, Sweden: https://spraakbanken.gu.se

In Korp you can choose various collections of corpora. As default you search in contemporary Danish texts. You can choose another collection of corpora at the top left corner of the interface. Presently you can choose between:

  • Modern: contemporary texts
  • Old Danish: Danish folksongs
  • Danish 1800: a few Danish works from the 19th century


See an English user guide for Korp from the Finnish language bank: https://www.kielipankki.fi/support/korp/
See a Swedish user manual from Språkbanken: https://spraakbanken.gu.se/swe/forskning/infrastruktur/korp/anvandarhandledning

Use Korp: https://alf.hum.ku.dk/korp/#?stats_reduce=word&cqp=%5B%5D&corpus=lspconstructioneb1,lspconstructioneb2